Science Kelas 4 Semester 1 Sekolah Dasar Medicine



Kelas 4 Semester 1 Sekolah Dasar



▪ Drugs are medicines or addictive subtances are chemicals that change how our bodies feel

Medicine   —› chemical that is used to recover from illness

Ex : antacid , antibiotic , analgesic

Addictive subtance      —› Chemical that is produced harm to our body especially our organ

                                      Ex : cannabis , ectancy , cocaine , speed , heroin , LSD , magic mushrooms , cigarets

Can be dangerous when people become addictive to

them and damage to vital organs


▪How we take medicines

-         Some medicines come as powder we have to mix with water

-         We breath in with inhaler for asthma and other breathing problem

-         We drink in the cough medicine to help us stop cough

-         We get drip medicine in hospital to help when dehydration and also got medicine emmediately

-         We get eye drop to help us stop eye irritation

-         Krim absorbend through the skin

▪ Kinds of medicine used for

          Pseudoephedrine        —›    Flu

          Expectorant                 —›    Cough

          Paracethamol               —›    Fever

          Iodine                            —›    Injury

▪ Many drugs have good effect but some drugs can harm our body

▪ Tobacco is the drug in cigarettes , tobacco can harm the lungs when we are unwell or not healthy in condition we take medicine it helps make us feel better when we have an illness

Some medicine also prevent us from getting ill

Not all drugs are medicine , tobaco is example it is not a medicine

▪ Herbal is addictive subtance made form plants

▪ When we frierd was very weak and had a fever during class , we should call the teacher

▪ We have to wear mask when outdoor because some disease spread in the air
